Construction Certificates
A construction certificate is required prior to the commencement of work on site under Section 81A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. This includes any site work including demolition of existing dwellings and site preparation works.
A Construction Certificate is an audit of the building design against the Council issued development consent, the Building Code of Australia requirements and other building related regulations.
Techton will verify that any conditions of development consent requiring action before work begins have been satisfied and that your building plans are fully compliant with all relevant regulations and stipulated requirements.

Complying Development Certificates
Complying development is a development that complies with predetermined criteria and can be certified by Techton. These types of development can include single-storey houses, alterations, and additions, swimming pools, garages, sheds, patios, etc.
Generally, each Council has its own Development Control Plan (DCP) that stipulates what developments are complying developments. This DCP will state what the prescribed conditions for each type of complying development are.
In addition, there are also Exempt Developments. These are developments where no formal approval is required. Again each Council will have its own DCP which will prescribe the conditions that must be met for a development to be exempt.
We can provide advice, assistance, and approvals as required for each of these types of development.
Building Code of Australia Assessments
The National Construction Code (NCC) is Australia’s performance-based building and plumbing code. It sets the minimum technical requirements for the construction of new buildings (and new building work in existing buildings). Assessment Methods are used when determining if a Performance Solution or Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Solution complies with the relevant Performance Requirements. Compliance with the NCC’s mandatory Performance Requirements is achieved by developing a Performance Solution, a DTS Solution, or a combination of the two. A Performance Solution uses any method other than the DTS Provisions to comply with the Performance Requirements. DTS Solutions use the NCC’s DTS Provisions to comply with the Performance Requirements.